Founded in 1963, Biagio Turbos is a 100% Brazilian company, which has its own innovative solutions for the development of turbos. With specific projects for each type of application, the development follows according to the requirements of the market, the characteristics, and conditions of use of the engine.
With a structure capable of producing internally all the main components, Biagio stands out in the national and international scenario as a solid company, due to the control of the whole manufacturing process that guarantees the quality of its products.
Currently, the company has a total area of 42,000m², and invests constantly in technology to innovate and offer the best products to the market.
In the development line of Biagio there are exhaust manifolds, wastegate valves, automotive turbo kits, and turbos for the automotive lines: trucks, buses, pick-ups, tractors, earthmoving machines, harvesters, industrial motors, generators, marine, among others.
A MGFC tem como objetivo principal a qualidade de seus produtos, considerando o meio ambiente em todas as suas atividades, tendo como prioridade máxima o cliente.
Para que esse objetivo seja atingido, a empresa está comprometida em satisfazer os requisitos aplicáveis, em alcançar as metas estabelecidas e com a melhoria contínua do sistema de gestão da qualidade, trabalhando de acordo com as seguintes diretrizes:
1 - Valorizando e investindo em formação e treinamento dos colaboradores com foco na qualidade;
2 - Visando reduzir desperdícios e custos relacionados a não conformidades;
3 - Atuando no aprimoramento contínuo dos processos da organização garantindo padrões competitivos de qualidade, preços, prazo de entrega e inovação;
4 - Cuidando de forma consciente do meio ambiente e da segurança individual;
In 2018 Biagio achieved 55 years of hard work, dedication, innovation and technology, since the beginning of its work in 1963, its goal has always been to deliver the best product to the customer.
Thus, it has conquered many markets both nationally and in different continents around the world.
Countries like Argentina, Paraguay, Chile, Uruguay, Guatemala, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Venezuela, Guyana, the United States, Canada, some African, Middle Eastern and European countries among others, receive the same turbos directly from the factory marketed in Brazil, in addition to having specific turbos in case of countries with high altitude.